
  • How can I find a 420nurses Chapter Near me?

    You can search our map on there you will be able to find chapters near you.
  • How do I create a Chapter

    If your an intern you can start a chapter by going to Make sure your signed in Select Create a Chapter  Choose a Name and fill out appropriate fields.  Make sure your name is not a city and does not have the word 420nurses in it. You ...
  • What happens to a Chapter when the leader steps down.

    When a chapter leader steps down or does not want to continue being part of the 420nurses network that chapter gets dissolved and the name becomes available to any other board member that wants to restart the chapter. If no other members want to continue then it becomes available to the rest of t...
  • Why does the Chapterleader get a higher Commission?

    The chapter leader - The person that started the chapter/ that bought the chapter kit will receive a higher commission. This is the first member in the chapter.